they were both home with no place to go, no friends to see, and no jobs. While
we went to work each day it still left the four of us with a lot of time
together, something not too many parents with teens usually get. While the
girls both continued their school through distance learning on-line, there was
plenty of downtime for them and us especially in the evenings and on weekends.
Family dinner together has always been part of our routine, except now the
girls were prepping the meals and doing the cleanup instead of mom.

Our daily routines were pretty mundane during the week but thankfully we
have home gym equipment so we were all able to get in some exercise and
de-stress to keep from going stir crazy. For the girls, both of whom are very
active athletes, the loss of sports, practices, and their routine was a
difficult adjustment. Fortunately the one thing we could all do together was to
take walks, and on the weekends - very long walks. It was the one thing we
could do outdoors where we could be together yet stay away from others which
you can say is one benefit to living in the suburbs. The walks began first in
our immediate neighborhood, and as weeks began to pass, we felt that if we kept
a distance from others we could then find other locations to walk. We graduated
beyond the paths near our home, to Cape Cod along the canal, then to a bike
trail that meanders through several Cape towns and villages, and then to our
neighboring golf course, which was closed during the pandemic.

On some days we
would walk more than 10-miles and on one cool breezy Saturday we managed to
cover 14-miles. While much of the time was spent thinking and taking in our
surroundings, the solitude gave us plenty of time to talk and dream about the
future. Oftentimes we would recap our week and talk about the days when we
could make plans again, especially plans to return to Cortona, while the girls
would fool around, explore, pick up rocks, and always seek out a passerby with
a dog, socially distanced of course. In many ways the simplicity and freedom of
these walks was reminiscent of when they were very young and just fascinated by
the world around them. For much of our time during the pandemic these weekend
journeys were the highlight and something we looked forward to as we passed the
Although this may sound boring and not that unusual what made these
different was the time together. Most parents like us on the path to being
empty nesters get a few minutes a day with their soon to be adult children, and
if they are lucky they may convince them to do some family things once in a
while. Instead during the lock-down we were all forced to be together in a way
that may never happen again once the girls grow older, graduate from school,
get jobs, and fully enter into adulthood. While this may be one of the most
challenging periods for the world during our lifetimes (we were not around for
WWII or the Spanish Flu) the silver lining has been our time together. As life
as we knew it before the virus slowly comes back, we are already beginning to
see the signs that this time together is slowly passing. Our work lives are gradually returning to
normal; the girls are finished with school and distance learning; they are now
working in the summer jobs; they are visiting with friends and going to the
beach; and, the opportunities for long walks are becoming fewer. While there is
no doubt relief and thankfulness that the worst of the pandemic appears to be
over, we also realize what a precious gift this family time was for us. Time together,
no distractions, no competition for their attention. Just us. Making all our own fun, cooking all our own
food and just being. Years from now we
will look back on this time, when life was suspended, and savor the moments we
had when the world around us stopped and we came together as a family, as a
community, as a country, and as a global citizen like never before, and perhaps
never again.

S.Gorman - A.Holleran, 14/06/2020 11:03:48