If you're planning an itinerary of things to see in Florence, Nicola strongly recommends you add Belvedere Forte...
Should you be planning a stay in Florence, or even a day trip, one of
the sights well worth visiting according to Nicola, is Il Forte Belvedere. The
view from the fort is incomparable, with Florence laid out before you and
villas and castles immersed in the countryside, behind you.
In front - Florence by night
Behind - the Florentine countryside dotted with villas and castles
Forte Belvedere is the largest of one of only two fortresses, to have been
built in Florence. It was designed and built by Bernardo Buontalenti between
1590 and 1595, by order of Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici. It is located on
the highest hill of the Boboli Gardens and today, serves primarily as a tourist
attraction and exhibition centre, also hosting private events.
Aside from the wonderful panorama – to be witnessed ideally at sunset – a bar with an attractive outside seating area combines to create a unique experience.
You can either walk up to the Fort - in eleven minutes according to
Google - from Ponte Vecchio, passing suggestive back streets and alley ways of
old town Florence or one can also reach it by car where there is a designated
parking area.
Nicola Burazzi, 15/10/2022 14:16:33