With the Brexit deadline imminent and a ‘no deal’ scenario very possible
many of our UK clients are posing the question as to whether or not to become
Italian residents. Albeit that we don’t yet know what individual deal the UK
might strike with Italy, here are 7 things you should probably know:
In order to obtain first temporary and then permanent residency, you
will need to:
Apply - like
all non-EU citizens - for a visa issued in your country of origin for either
work, study or family reasons. (Being a home owner, as long as you are self-supporting, is also a valid
reason to request residency).
Apply for
a Permesso di soggiorno (permit to
stay) on arrival in Italy
Provide proof
that you are self-supporting (i.e. bank statements/work contract - a minimum of
circa E.6000 is required )
private or national medical insurance
at the local anagrafe (registry
After 5 years of continuous residency in Italy, you can apply for
permanent residency and ultimately, citizenship.
Team, 07/12/2020 11:15:11