• Our associates:
  • Property & Rental
  • Management
  • Project assistance
  • All building works
  • International staff
  • Surveys
  • Translations
  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage assistance

At Cortona International (CI) we understand the complexities of buying or selling from abroad, but we believe that choosing an agency in Italy shouldn’t faze you anymore than if you were at home; the parameters remain the same – transparency, integrity and professionalism; three values we apply to all aspects of our work. We are a multi-national, English speaking team, with over 60 years of combined experience in all areas of marketing, property sales and conveyancing and provide translations and clarity during all stages of the purchase or selling process.

If you’re selling a property, we put at your disposition the many tools we have to promote it:

  • aerial photos
  • videos
  • virtual tours
  • extensive visibility, in English, on the most important international property portals, internet mediums and social media platforms

Whether you wish to sell your home or are thinking of buying one, the CI team will always “go the extra mile” to ensure your interests are both represented and protected.


Nicola brings to Cortona International an expertise in conveyancing, marketing and computer skills, as well as a flair for photography and video. A perpetual student, he is dedicated to expanding his horizons and closely follows emerging market trends, regularly updating his prowess in digital marketing analytics and statistics. Most recently he has been awarded the National Association of REALTORS® International Property Realtor certificate.

Michele, above and beyond being a CI partner, is also responsible for sales in the commercial, industrial, and agricultural sectors as well as residential sales for the local Italian market through Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese. He specialises in the area of construction - both new builds and renovations – and is a regular font of knowledge, always available for advice. He works directly from the Camucia office in Piazzale Europa, No. 5. 


Cortona International is a trade name for Agenzia Immobiliare Cortoneseset up in 1997 by Michele Burazzi – and a registered member of FIAIP (the Federation of Professional Italian Estate Agents).In 2014 the agency expanded its interests to the international property market when Nicola Burazzi, Michele’s brother.